Monday, February 19, 2007

Caitlin Anne Ryan was born at 10:52PM on February 18. She weighed in at 5 lb 11oz - 7 oz more than her brother Colin who was born on the same date 3 years ago. Following in her brother's footsteps she decided to enter the world with an emergency c-section.

At about 8:00, Tara's water broke. Contractions started about an hour after that. "Relax", the midwife said when we called in. "Take your time." So we took a little time and packed up. By the time we got to the hospital, Tara was having contractions every 4 minutes or so and was in quite a bit of pain. It took us about 20 minutes to get checked in and to convince the hospital staff of the urgency of the situation. The doctor finally made it to the room and immediately determined that the baby was breech and that Tara was fully dilated. With the only anesthesiologist busy working on another emergency, he was getting set for a natural delivery (we were scheduled for a c-section this Friday). Just in the nick of time, another anesthesiologist popped her head into the room. They rushed Tara into the OR and had her knocked out and the baby delivered in about 7 minutes.

Mother and baby are both doing great and we should be heading home tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Congratulations to everyone! Sounds like it was a little scary, but we're thrilled that everyone is okay!

- Mike, Beverley, Jillian, and James Tetrick

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl! Glad everyone is healthy and happy! And, Caitlin is a very pretty name for a wonderful little baby! :)