Monday, September 21, 2015

2015 Mountain Jubilee - Father Daughter Campout

We had a great weekend in the Georgia Mountains near Calhoun at Camp Misty Mountain.  Caitie got checked out early and we drove up.  We were the first ones there from our troop so we scouted out a good camping area in the open field (found some shade) and put up our tent.  We then shared a root beer while waiting for everyone else to show up.  That night we had a subway sandwich and then sat around the campfire.

On Saturday, we started with a good breakfast of pancakes and sausage.  Caitie didn't have any sausage (she doesn't like it) and dad didn't have any pancakes (they didn't make enough).  After that we headed out to a variety of activities:  Screen printed a t-shirt, tested hammocks, played some lawn games, made 2 candles, had hot dogs for lunch, learned archery, went canoeing, tie dyed the t-shirt that we screen printed, then made some leather crafts.  That night, we ate tacos in a bag, went to the big campfire, then hung out at our camp.

On Sunday, we got up early and went to breakfast at the dining hall.  After eating, we volunteered and served the other campers.  We then finished our candles, went for a dad led pony ride.  We packed up our tent and headed home after a long, fun weekend.  Cannot wait to do it again next year!

 Sunrise on the lake

Heading out for a big day of activities.

 Testing hammocks.  Caitie especially liked doing 360s in the hammocks.

The wobbly floating dock.

Katniss Everdeen

More sweepers than customers.

Volunteering at breakfast.

Princess Lea serving breakfast to campers.

Riding Cocoa.

Cocoa following Mary's horse.

A selfie with Cocoa.

Leaving camp after an awesome weekend.