Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Braves Hat Night!

We all went to the Braves' game last night. Had great seats behind the dugout and they gave out these fantastic hats! Having a losing record isn't all bad, Dad can pick up cheap seats in September.

I had a bit of a....let's say and oopsie when I fell off the picnic table and ended up with an imprint of the concrete on my forehead. The hat covered that up nicely though.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I Can Walk!!!

Today Caitie took her first steps. She took one step 3 weeks ago at Nanny's house, but today she finally decided she was ready to put a few steps together. Dad put her down in the kitchen and she just took off and walked for about 6 steps. Frankenstein would have been proud. Here's the proof!

Friday, March 7, 2008

First Step

Caitie is now standing up very well on her own. Today at Nanny's house she took her first step as we filmed it on video. I will post the video later.....